Betekenis van:
lay over

to lay over
    • place on top of




    to lay over
      • interrupt a journey temporarily, e.g., overnight




      1. Leaves lay thick over the ground.
      2. Snow lay all over the ground.
      3. Newspapers lay scattered all over the floor.
      4. Broken glass lay scattered all over the road.
      5. It is necessary to lay down the way in which the total sum per Member State available for the additional payments is distributed over the eligible areas.
      6. This way the company could save over EUR 1 million. The cost of the lay-offs is estimated to be about EUR 170000.
      7. No single issue, whose volumes ranged from EUR 150 million to over EUR 2 billion, provided anything like the return of share capital; the remuneration lay in the range between 110 and 290 basis points above mid-swaps.
      8. The appeal to the Lands Tribunal involves a complete de novo hearing over a period of 13 weeks before a panel of two surveyors members and a QC. In contrast, the Valuation Tribunal featured a lay panel and took a mere four weeks.
      9. It is appropriate to lay down in the detailed rules for the management of this tariff quota that for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 the available quantity should be phased over the year in a suitable manner within the meaning of Article 32(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999.
      10. In particular, it is appropriate to lay down provisions concerning the exercise by broadcasters of exclusive broadcasting rights that they may have purchased to events considered to be of major importance for society in a Member State other than that having jurisdiction over the broadcasters.
      11. This way the company could save over EUR 1 million. The cost of the lay-offs is estimated to be about EUR 170000. A new CEO was appointed to the company in the first half of 2008. Another objective of the restructuring plan is to hire an administrative controller and a salesman to reinforce the new direction of the company.
      12. With regard to the use of the loan over time, the Italian authorities point out that the decision to approve rescue aid does not lay down any provision requiring that the aid should be used in specific periods and that the way in which its use is managed in the period covered by the Commission's authorisation does not entail any additional advantage for the beneficiary company and does not constitute a new measure.
      13. In particular, it is appropriate to lay down provisions concerning the exercise by broadcasters of exclusive broadcasting rights that they may have purchased to events considered to be of major importance for society in a Member State other than that having jurisdiction over the broadcasters. In order to avoid speculative rights purchases with a view to circumvention of national measures, it is necessary to apply those provisions to contracts entered into after the publication of Directive 97/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council [21] and concerning events which take place after the date of implementation.
      14. To take into account the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, beneficiaries of this tariff quota together with Bulgaria and Romania, and the accession of Cyprus, Malta and Slovenia and pending the results of the negotiations of new tariff concessions for Bulgaria and Romania, it is appropriate to lay down in the detailed rules for the management of this tariff quota that for the period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005 the available quantity should be staggered over the year in a suitable manner within the meaning of Article 32(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999.
      15. To take into account the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, beneficiaries of this tariff quota together with Bulgaria and Romania, and the accession of Cyprus, Malta and Slovenia and pending the results of the negotiations of new tariff concessions for Bulgaria and Romania, it is appropriate to lay down in the detailed rules for the management of this tariff quota that for the period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005 the available quantity should be staggered over the year in a suitable manner within the meaning of Article 32(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 for the benefit of Bulgaria and Romania.